Healthy Food to Eat
Healthy Food to Eat
If you want a healthy food to eat healthy and tasty simultaneously, you need to create a diet plan consisting of food items such as fruits, vegetables, and meat products. Consuming the right food in the recommended quantity can help you lose weight while providing your body with all the important nutrients.
Healthy Food to Eat List
Healthy food to eat = apples
Healthy food to eat = avocados
Healthy food to eat = bananas
Healthy food to eat = organic dairy products
Healthy food to eat = organic meats and seafood
Healthy food to eat = lentils, nuts and poly unstaurated oils
I highly recommend that you can consult with a professional nutritionist to create a diet plan that consists of foods according to your body's needs.
Each food has a different effect on the production of hormones, hunger, and the number of calories you burn while working out, so healthy food to eat is the only option to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some foods are highly nutritious, such as nuts, pulses, grains, etc.; consuming too much of these foods can harm your physical and mental health.
A balanced combination of healthy food to eat can provide you with notable health benefits, and occasional treat doesn't cause much harm to your overall health. Exercise is the key factor for a healthy lifestyle, along with a diet plan that also adds foods of various colors to your dinner plate. Eating foods high in calories needs a balance with more nutritious food items to cope with any negative effects.
Healthy Foods to Eat: A Simple Meal Plan to Follow
I am super excited to share this meal plan with you. I got to my goal weight of anorexic - just kidding I am a healthy US Size 2. I got so frustrated with looking up so many healthy recipes on the internet I needed one I could actually follow a stick to for an entire week. Here it is! Yummy, serves one,
Breakfast = Oat Pancakes smeared with Raspberry Almond Butter
2 Tablespoons Organic Almond Butter
1 Tablespoons Organic Raspberry Powder
50 grams Organic Oats, ground in a coffee grinder and sift into fine oat flour or just buy oat flour
70 grams Organic Milk
2 Tablespoons Organic Maple Syrup
Mix almond butter with 1 tablespooon and maple syrup. Mix milk with oat flour untill you get a gloopy texture. Make two pancakes. I like to spread the raspberry almond on the pancake, roll and gobble down my throat not before dipping in 1 tablespoon of maple syrup. Enjoy!
Lunch = Chutney Mackerel
1 Apple, Sliced
1 Can Mackerel
1 Tablespoon of Spiced Chutney
Mix both well in a bowl and use as dip for sliced apple.
Dinner = Steamed Veggie on Thighs
1 Chicken Thigh
1 Medium Celery, diced
100g Cabbage, chopped
100g Cauliflower
1 Yellow Pepper, diced
3 Tablespoons of Organic Heavy Cream
Juice of 1 Lemon
Parsley garnish
Steam the first five ingredients in an electric steamer for 40 minutes. Add the spinach at the 35 minute. Heat the cream add in the lemon, sprinkle in the parsley. Serve with the steamed chicken and veg. Hope you enjoy your week as me!